By Lilli Holmberg
Ever since I have been to this school I have been loving it! I have met so many new people and have done so many new things. Although I have been taking all these different classes I have been loving them all. I love all the teachers and all the teachers love me. I think my favorite teacher is my science teacher also my football teacher (soccer). He is so nice and is such a fun teacher, he also gives me the most house points which is good for Simba house. I have also been loving the sports I have been playing, I have been playing netball, football (soccer) and tennis. I have been playing on the school's soccer and netball team and have been doing tennis lessons with coach Soloman. It has been really fun experiencing these new sports and although I have made some fouls I get better every time I do it. I am so glad that I got a chance to be in this school and experience the British school way.
By Everett Fairbourne
No more! Just no more school food!
My school food is disgusting, because it has the top ten worst foods.
10: Dry pasta. (that comes in blocks)
9: Chicken and beef that are pink in the middle.
8: Rice that smells rotten.
7: Sauce that tastes like #!$%.
6: Ice cream that taste like melted bread with milk.
5: Spaghetti that kills taste buds.
4: Sausage that is filled with death (the truck that delivers it even says "?meat?")
3: The potatoes; how can you make a bad potato?
2: Lamb that has horrible spices
and now...
I was gaging during this blog.
But I finally have convinced my mom to let me take pack lunch.
By Alta Fairbourne
At school, as you all know, my brothers and I are the only member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in my whole school! It can be really difficult because that leaves everyone with different beliefs. It's really hard sometimes to ignore all the swearing. Everyone is always asking me what I believe; sometimes it can be hard to answer them. Just lately my best friend Tasha was talking about how she is scared of dying because she says she just will be nothing forever. Right when she said that I asked her, " really? you think your spirit will disappear? I believe that when you die your spirit travels back to the spirit world and once Jesus visits the earth we will all be resurrected and return to our bodies, but our bodies will be perfect again." I could tell she thought I was crazy, and all she would say was, "cool". This other time we were traveling to Nairobi for Hockey and it was in the morning and Tasha offered me some tea for breakfast and I told her sorry I don't drink tea, and she asked why not. I told I wanted to keep the present God gave me clean and healthy and I wanted to keep my body like a Temple. She accepted that and never offered me tea again. This is why I love living somewhere else and experiencing a new culture and meet lots of kids from all over the world who all believe different things and I love being a missionary and telling people about my beliefs.
By Lilli Holmberg
When I first heard that I was going to Africa for a term I was so excited I couldn't wait but when the days were getting closer I was getting more and more nervous about missing my family and friends but at the same time I was still excited to see my aunt, uncle and cousins. When the day actually came I think the excitement took over me more. My uncle Jason slept over the day before we left. We woke up at 5:00am but I was so excited that I was not tired. For my last breakfast in Utah we went to this diner called "Sunshine Café" and it was so good. Finally we set off to the airport. We got on a small plane that was a 3 hour flight to Austin, Texas. Then it was a bigger plane from Austin, TX to Amsterdam that was like a 9 hour flight. Then from Amsterdam to Nairobi that was like a 8 hour flight and then finally a 1 hour flight to Mombasa, Kenya. On one of the flights I fell asleep on the person that was next to me that I didn't know and my took a picture of it but, the thing that was embarrassing was that I didn't know I was sleeping on her because I fell asleep on the armrest and slipped off onto her. When we got there it was like midnight and waiting for my uncle and I was my aunt and my cousin Alta, when we saw each other we just ran straight to one another and gave each other a huge hug. We got to their house everybody was awake and waiting for us, I gave everybody a big hug.
My first day of school was on Wednesday and I was so excited to meet everybody. I was just followed my cousin Porter the whole time because I didn't know where my classes were or what was happening next. I noticed that the school here is totally different than any school I have been to in Utah. Probably the first thing I noticed is when you walk to your classes you walk outside because the hallways are outside and it is just more like a sidewalk. Second thing I noticed was the lockers, the lockers here are just like small wooden cubbies that are out side and seem totally different than the lockers that I would have thought they would have looked like. Third, I noticed that they call a lot of things different names then we call in America, like for example, instead of grades they call it years like you are in year 6 instead of being call you are in 6th grade and you have to say trousers instead of pants or they will think you are talking about your underpants and a lot more things. Forth thing would probably be that all the years (grades) from year 1 to year 12 are in one school together but the interesting thing is that when you go from America to Kenya you move up a grade because they do not have preschool nor do they have kindergarten but they start 1st grade a year earlier than us so when I was in Utah I was in 6th grade and then when I went to Kenya I was in year (grade) 7. I am still getting used to everything but I don't mind and I really enjoy experiencing a new school and meeting people.
I can't wait to experience and try new things while I am here. I know I am going to have many adventures and many new stories to tell that.