We are no longer using this blog! We have recently started a vlogging channel on Youtube
at : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2Nwv6nDXGRrhUCcAuv4eQ
If you still want to see what we are up to here in Kenya check it out! Here of some recent videos we have posted:
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Trip to the Animal Orphanage
I didn’t know what to expect, I thought it was going to be like a
zoo, the thought of that didn’t sound so fun, but really, I didn’t know what I
was getting myself in to.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Lake Powell by Porter Fairbourne
Lake Powell was AWESOME!!!! We did everything!
After a six-hour
drive we finally arrived at the dock. It was dark with only the dim lighting
from the parking lot lamps. Everyone was a little achy from sitting for so
long. We had to load everything up on the houseboat that night, so that we
would be ready to undock in the morning. That next morning we left the dock to find a
place to park our boat. The ride was fun. We played cars, waved to other boats, talked,
and just enjoyed the view.
When we found the perfect spot where our boat
fit well and we could see from the front of the boat a great mass of water. I
think Lake Powell is beautiful because of the orange tan rock, dark blue water,
and the plateaus in the distance. Lake Powell is definitely the most well
balanced trip from absolutely breath taking sunsets to exhilarating fun on the
water. Ellie taught me how to
drive the wave runner. After that I was pro. I was doing jumps off boat wakes
it was so fun. We would get some speed and drive straight over the wave and
then we’d fly in the air. Elli and I
would ride our wave runners up the canyon and make jumps for each other.
A new toy that Eric brought was the orange
mat. Being pulled by the jet ski with
the orange mat was super fun. There isn’t anything to hold onto except the side
and where the ropes poke out. Since there are no handles you usually end up
slipping and dragging the person next to you with you when you fall off.
I was pretty good staying on but not as good as this little kid named Wifi.
I am four times this kids weight and he didn’t even get his hair wet!
Nothing is more classic at Lake Powell than tube
wars! Tube wars is a game where two tubes are pulled behind the boat and the
two teams competing try to see who can get the most points by throwing the
other team’s players off their tube. The teams
were; Lilli, Jake, and I on one team and the other team was Alta, Elli, and
Isabelle. Right as the boat began to pull the two tubes the game started. Alta
with all of her mighty courage jumped on our tube but only to be shoved of the
front of the tube. The score was 1:0 and the girls were getting angry. Soon it
became all of the opposing team on our tube. Lilli was unwilling to throw her
best friends off so she took refuge back on the other tube. There was a lot of
pulling, pushing, and wrestling but they couldn't get us off. Some retreated, but
Jake and I still had Isabelle and we rolled her off the back of the tube. Score
2:0. We were still in the lead. Elli found some courage to jump on our tube but
was thrown of the side by Jake. The
final score 3:0.
Something new I tried this year was repelling. Repelling
off a cliff 110 feet high is kind of scary but scary is normal in the Pope
family. Like Eric says, "We learn something new every year at Lake Powell."
This year we learned why you don't use dynamic rope for repelling. By the end
of the trip the rope was 5 feet longer. However the rope worked just fine.
I went down the cliff terrified but once I tried it wasn't that bad. I even did
another one that had a big overhang.
Most people don’t like sleeping in Lake Powell,
but I love it. One night while gazing upon the stars I spotted a shooting star
then another and another. By this time all of the kids sleeping on the top deck
were on a search for the best shooting star. Someone would say, “I just saw a
really cool one!” Or someone would say, “wow, look at that one!” While everyone
was looking at the shooting stars there was one that no one missed. The
incoming meteor was bright white and looked as if it was coming straight
towards us. As the shooting star got bigger it turned red and broke up into
several pieces into the nighttime sky. Grandpa shot off fireworks that night,
but that shooting star even beat those.
As everyone could tell, the Cokes were running
out, a good sign that the trip was almost to an end. A day that everybody
dreaded and hoped would never come.. Everyone had something to clean and
something to pack. I picked up trash and packed the blankets. Once we landed
back in the dock and every got out and started to head on home. Thanks to the
Popes, Larsens, Holmbergs, and the Astlels I had the best Lake Powell trip
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
My Grandma By Everett Fairbourne

Cannibal By: Alta Fairbourne
It felt like Christmas morning while we were getting ready
to leave; I was so excited. I love going to Lagoon more than anything in the
world. I have been going every year; I haven’t
missed it once. Today at Lagoon was going to be the best ever because they had
the new, huge roller coaster
– Cannibal.
When we were parking in front of Lagoon we realized how huge
Cannibal is. It’s a brown skyscraper
that reaches into the clouds and it has a roller coaster track that looks as if
it is falling out the window and dropping straight to the ground, only to zoom
back up in the sky, moving into never ending twists and turns.
We decided Cannibal was going to be our first destination.
Mounds of people were scurrying to get in line for the new attraction. The long
line stretched all the way back to the Tilt-a-Whirl; it was at least a 2 hour
wait. We were a little bit bummed when we saw the line, but the wait was going
to be worth it. Once we reached the front I could feel the butterflies swarming
nd in my stomach. The soaring sounds of the carts running and faint screams
played all around us as we waited to get on. We watched the carts plunge from
the building. Some of my cousins were having second thoughts but we were going
to make them do it. Even Grandpa was a little scared!
It was our turn. We sat on the vinyl purple seats and pulled
the restraint to our waists. The ride slowly started to wheel forward and we
went into darkness. Powerful beating music that matched my heat beat filled the
room. We came to a dead end then out of nowhere we gradually started to lift
up. It was so intense and dramatic it actually felt like we were about to be
sacrificed to cannibals. The beating music began to fade as we got higher then
a bright light shone from outside and we could see the whole of the Great Salt
Lake. Our cart began to edge forward about to drive off the drop; I started to
scream bloody murder. We swooped down the wall, dropping straight along the
vertical building. It felt as if my stomach was floating within my body. Up, down,
around and upside down we went; we even sped through a waterfall. Actually I
think we were more upside down then upright.
Once the ride came to a halt we were so ecstatic. We desperately needed
to do it again. It was absolutely worth the wait, and it was exactly what I was
The rest of the day we scrambled around going on all of our
other favorite rides at Lagoon, laughing, smiling and having a great time. We
actually even waited in line to go on Cannibal again! Lagoon is super fun and
awesome and I can’t wait to go again next summer.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Opening Chapter.
At Birth
16 years ago, 2003, the night was wild. Wind ran through the air as rain followed. The streets were empty and the homes were full. One particular home held a happy couple, Jeff and Sarah. “Oh, Jeff,” cried Sarah “it’s time!”
“Yes we need to go!” as Sarah and Jeff got in the truck, another happy couple next door named, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew were also expecting a baby, how ironic.
As the two cars arrived at the local hospital, the storm raged on harder. The happy couples were assigned rooms 36 and 48.
“One, two, three, push Mrs. Martin, push!” Meanwhile in room 48, “come on Suzy I know you can do it!” screamed Mr. Andrew.
The night did not stop storming on. At the strike of midnight, the sky was pitch black, and the storm got even worse.
Blue lightning struck the hospital, it was like something that has never been seen before, and it affected everyone inside the hospital.
There was something not right with Mrs. Andrew
“SHE NOT BREATHING!” screamed the female doctor. Mr. Andrew started to worry as they brought out the defibrillators
“ONE! TWO! THREE! CLEAR!” they used the defibrillators, she was still not breathing.
The doctors knew she was a goner, they pulled out a sheet and placed it over Suzy.
As the doctor exited the room, Mr. Andrew stood up, “how is she doc?” said Mr. Andrew in a worried tone.
“I'm sorry to say this Mr. Andrew, but your wife is dead.”
Carl was devastated, tears ran down his face. He just lost the love of his life. The thought of raising a child without a mother sounded crazy to him. Carl didn’t know what to do with his life, all he knew was that it would be impossible to raise a child on his own.
“So you’re just going to abandon him.” said the doctor
“I don’t have a choice, take him some where, where love is there.” Mr. Andrew said.
Later that night the doctor was going to take the baby to the social worker until she looked down into the baby’s eyes and saw them glistering. She always knew she’d be a good mom, maybe now was the perfect time to become a foster mom. After getting off the phone with the social worker, she took the perfect baby boy home.
When she got home she made a mini bed and, put the baby in it.
“I’m going to call you… Austin” said the doctor.
Jeff and Sarah got into their truck and to and drove to their home. Storm had stopped, and everything was so peaceful now. As Sarah laid the baby into the crib she said, “I’m going to name you… Matt.
That night the happiest moment of Mr. Andrew’s life j became something he would want to forget. Mr. Andrew got in his car and drove far, far away, where no one would find him.
No one in that hospital would forget that night. Something happened, to those two babies that night,
something extraordinary!
Thank you for reading, this is my opening chapter for my new book called Extraordinary, its a school project.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Photoshop Is The Best!
Photoshop Is The Best!
My mom and dad got me Photoshop on my computer. Photoshop
was kind of weird at first but then I got the hold of it and now I’m always on
Photoshop learning to do cool stuff.
You can change anything on Photoshop you can change the lighting,
color, and you can add and take out stuff in pictures. I like to change color
and do every thing on Photoshop. I’m still learning Photoshop this is actually
my first week of photoshop and I have done like 25 photos. I’m a little
addicted actually.
If you want something Photoshopped you can ask me I would
Love to do it .
Here are some of my photos:
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