Monday, July 20, 2015

Opening Chapter.

At Birth

16 years ago, 2003, the night was wild. Wind ran through the air as rain followed. The streets were empty and the homes were full. One particular home held a happy couple, Jeff and Sarah. “Oh, Jeff,” cried Sarah “it’s time!”
“Yes we need to go!” as Sarah and Jeff got in the truck, another happy couple next door named, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew were also expecting a baby, how ironic.


As the two cars arrived at the local hospital, the storm raged on harder. The happy couples were assigned rooms 36 and 48.
“One, two, three, push Mrs. Martin, push!” Meanwhile in room 48, “come on Suzy I know you can do it!” screamed Mr. Andrew.
The night did not stop storming on. At the strike of midnight, the sky was pitch black, and the storm got even worse.
Blue lightning struck the hospital, it was like something that has never been seen before, and it affected everyone inside the hospital.
There was something not right with Mrs. Andrew
“SHE NOT BREATHING!” screamed the female doctor. Mr. Andrew started to worry as they brought out the defibrillators
“ONE! TWO! THREE! CLEAR!” they used the defibrillators, she was still not breathing.
The doctors knew she was a goner, they pulled out a sheet and placed it over Suzy.


As the doctor exited the room, Mr. Andrew stood up, “how is she doc?” said Mr. Andrew in a worried tone.
“I'm sorry to say this Mr. Andrew, but your wife is dead.”
Carl was devastated, tears ran down his face. He just lost the love of his life. The thought of raising a child without a mother sounded crazy to him. Carl didn’t know what to do with his life, all he knew was that it would be impossible to raise a child on his own.


“So you’re just going to abandon him.” said the doctor
“I don’t have a choice, take him some where, where love is there.” Mr. Andrew said.

Later that night the doctor was going to take the baby to the social worker until she looked down into the baby’s eyes and saw them glistering. She always knew she’d be a good mom, maybe now was the perfect time to become a foster mom. After getting off the phone with the social worker, she took the perfect baby boy home.
When she got home she made a mini bed and, put the baby in it.
“I’m going to call you… Austin” said the doctor.

Jeff and Sarah got into their truck and to and drove to their home. Storm had stopped, and everything was so peaceful now. As Sarah laid the baby into the crib she said, “I’m going to name you… Matt.


That night the happiest moment of Mr. Andrew’s life j became something he would want to forget. Mr. Andrew got in his car and drove far, far away, where no one would find him.


No one in that hospital would forget that night. Something happened, to those two babies that night,
something extraordinary!

Thank you for reading, this is my opening chapter for my new book called Extraordinary, its a school project.

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