Camping trip
As soon as school got out went camping for three days. It was a really fun camping trip. It was full of excitement and fun. When we arrived, it was around one p.m. and it was really hot. The beach was beautiful and the ocean was even more beautiful. It was way out and you could see the coral stretch out really far. We started to set up our tents as my dad blew up our stand up paddle board, then he and drove away and left us there (my dad doesn't like to miss work). I stayed in a tent with all of the girls, Natasha, Lorna, Tatyana, and Philine. I realized not to ever stay in a tent with a bunch of girls. All night it was all chit chat and gossip while I was trying to sleep in the hot humid air, swarmed with groups of mosquitos. To make matters worse, it started to rain! The rain started to come in our tent, and some of the girls when into the boys tent, but they had water in their tent.
I was so happy it was morning. When morning came we had breakfast. Quickly we got on our swimsuits then we got blocked up before the sun shone on our faces and burnt our cheeks. As every one got a boogie board and swam out to the waves me and Everett were left without a board so we got in the ocean and then the dogs from our campsite got in the water and started to swim with us. They were jumping on our shoulders and licking our faces. Soon enough, my mom came to get me to help her bury treasure for a treasure hunt. As we were putting out the clues some dude asked us what we were doing and we said we are burying treasure for a treasure hunt for the kids. As we walked back to our campsite every one was back from boogie boarding and we had lunch. After lunch we did the treasure hunt. We gave them the first clue, which soon led them to the treasure. Once they figured out where it was, everyone started to dig. It wasn't there! The dude must have dug it up and took it! We were all really sad because we all really would have loved the treasure (treasure=Rainbow belts candy). We all went back to the ocean. After that, another one of our friends showed up, everyone was happy, then we played down by the banks. Then we got the idea to go down to these coral caves where there was a small pool of ocean water deep enough to jump off the coral cliffs into. So then we all started to jump. As the tide started to come up we had to go back to the campsite. My mom then got out all of the Scoobys (like boondoggle) then we all started to Scooby. Lorna soon went and asked these other campers if we could use their hammocks, and they said yes so they started to swing in the hammocks. It got violent as they started to lay in the hammocks and swing into each other. We all started to get bored so we thought about a beach walk to build up our appetite for dinner. But me Natasha and Melia didn't want to go so we went on the paddle board. As we went we sang camping songs. My mom noticed us and then she and Natasha's mom wanted us to come back because we were to far away. On our way back there was a group of Kenyan teenagers in the water. We passed and they started to follow us. As they started to hold on to the back of the paddle board screaming, "give us ride! give us ride! give us ride!" We started to tell them no, and they started throwing sand at us and kept following us no matter what we said. Eventually, Natasha's mom came up to them and started to scream at them in Swahili then they all left. We got out of the water as quick as we could then hurried to shower. After the shower we were surprisingly really late for dinner. We had a bomb fire and a dance competition. We also made s'mores. Most of the kids had never had a s'more.
I soon got really tired and went to sleep but this time in my moms tent. Early that morning I went paddle boarding with my mom. After lunch my dad came and and picked us up, it was time to go home. It was a really fun trip. Its weird that its december and Christmas time because it doesn't feel like it at all!
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