I am the most organized person in the family; this is why I set up our New Years. We will start on New Years Eve. I told Everett that New Years would suck if we didn't do anything so we got started. We blew up 6 balloons with six different notes in them saying a game to play. Every hour we popped the balloon and played the game. We popped the first balloon at exactly seven( after dinner ); mom popped it. It was iPad break, yay! We all needed to digest the bean and cheese burritos. Apart from the beans (they were too salty) everything else was perfect. It surprised me because my mom never has messed up on burritos, ever. As a hour went by of doing what we do all day we popped the next balloon. We were going to play "scum", one of my favorite card games. We dealed out the cards and I realized I had the best cards and that's why I ended up winning that round. That's means I am president and I get two of the scums (the last place players) best cards, two aces. Well let's just say the next round I wasn't doing so well I dropped all way down to scum and my mom was President. It was time to pop the next balloon. It was playing "draw and pass" when you write a word down then pass the note pad over. That person draws the word you wrote. Then pass then and that person guesses what the picture is and writes it. Then pass, then draw, then write, then draw then write so on. Then you see how close the last word was to the first word. Usually they are really funny. After an hour of playing that game we popped another balloon it was "Fairbourne's Got Talent". We all did our talents. Everett did a successful magic trick followed up by Porter dancing to "Im Sexy and I Know It", then my sucky performance. I was singing, "Jar of Hearts" I was so off tune it was giving my self a headache so I quit in the middle of it knowing I would loose anyway. Porter and Everett tied. So they arm wrestled for it. Porter won barely Everett was stronger than I thought he was. The time was up so we didn't get to pop the last balloon. We pored sparkling grape juice and every one hated it but my mom and I we counted down to New Years and popped these confetti cannons and watched fireworks from the porch. It was very quite and we were the only ones celebrating except for some people down by the pool who were very quite. We had a awesome New Year even though I miss all my cousins back home. I remember when we got together on New Years and I remember Hannah, Lilli, Ellie, Megan, Brynn and I made a little block hut in the corner of one of the bedrooms and we were making really embarrassing videos on Hannah's ipod and I was wearing onezies and I cut of the feet and it made it so I couldn't wear it because it kept falling off because the Zipper came off with it, so ya
This is true. You are the most organized person in the family.