Also that week me and my cousin Courtney went to the awesomest, cutest, most talented boy band concert. Their name is 1D which is short for One Direction. They are Courtney and my favorite singers of all time. That night we colored and curled our hair, and put on 1D fake tattoos. We were so exited! When we got there we were kind of late but it didn't matter because the beginning band was playing and they were pretty bad. When One Direction came on the stage we all went crazy! It was so loud we could not hear them sing, all we heard was screaming and yelling. They sung lots of awesome songs when it was over I was really sleepy and fell asleep on the way back. The next couple of days we went swimming, we went on a couple walks to the point, we went to the game room a lot and spent our money on the stupid claw, and other things. The last night we were there we went to see a movie they were projecting outside. It was called, Mrs.Doubtfire, we got there early so we could have front row. A half an hour before the movie started they were playing music to keep people entertained so we were dancing to the music and Abbey fell over and freaked out. It was so funny that I reenacted it and when I did a big group of people walked by and actually thought I was hurt so the rest of the music we kept tricking people and it was really funny. After the movie was over we went back to the hotel and went asleep. In the morning we left Snowbird and went to grandmas house.

At grandmas house we went into her tree a lot and we made a pulley with a bucket so we could put things in the tree. Courtney and me put a cooler in the tree and we put drinks in it and snacks . One of the days we were there we went to lagoon with my dads cousin Alison she is really nice and fun. All day we went had a lot of fun and we would give Alison money and she would win us stuffed animals in the booths. We went on mouse trap like five times in a row and the last time we were going to go Everett didn't want to go so when we were on it Everett sat down on a bench with Alison ,and Everett got stung bye a bee and Alison got ice and napkins and settled him. Later that day we left lagoon. The next day Courtney's family left and Porter was sick so that was not the best day of the week. The next day
we left. I love my family so much they are a fun awesome family. I don't want to leave them but Africa is going to be awesome!
Alta Fairbourne
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