For the past few days we have been living in Kenya. In Kenya, things are a lot different than Utah so there are some things I need to get used to. Like the mosquitos, they carry malaria unlike in Utah there are less mosquitos and they do not carry malaria. When I got here for the fist time it was really humid for me. I felt sticky, but in Utah it is one of the driest states in the United States of America. Most people in Kenya speak English, but some kids my age don't. So that is going to be hard to get used to by speaking Swahili myself. The biggest loss is the snow and the skiing. My family and I in winter in Utah ski every Saturday, but in Africa there is no snow and in December it is the hottest month of the year. Also one of the other biggest losses is that most of our holidays won't feel the same because people don't celebrate them like Thanksgiving, 4th of July , Halloween, and Christmas. There won't be any snow like it says in most Christmas songs. When we were living in Utah and my dad said we were moving to Africa I giggled because that sounded crazy. Then 2 months later, I woke up in Africa. It is kind of like when my dad pretends to be zombie and scares us and we know he is just teasing us. Then the next day he really is zombie because he is eating my little brother. I can't believe we are actually living here, it is so different and I love it.
Taking a walk through a shama (farm) |
Trying to make me laugh while I am crying,good job.