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Bamburi Branch Primary |
Hello, my name is Alta and I am ten years old and I have been asked to talk this Sunday and I chose to talk about choosing the right. I know that Heavenly Father, and Jesus want us to Choose the Right so we can come live with them again. When we choose the right we are blessed with many things like the Holy Ghost. I have a story I would like to tell you about someone who chose the right. I will start with Abinadi the prophet who bore his testimony to wicked king Noah. In his testimony he said "Behold, thus saith the Lord and thus hath He commanded me, saying go forth and say unto this people thus saith the Lord -wo be unto this people for I have seen their abominations and their wickedness and their whoredoms and except they repent I will visit them in mine anger and except they repent and turn to Lord thy God Behold, I will deliver them into the hands of their enemies that they should be brought into bondage and they shall be afflicted by the hand of their enemies " and when Abinadi was done with his testimony he knew his words would his life away. When wicked King Noah heard these words he said "Who is Abinadi that I and my people are being judged of and who is the Lord who gives people such great affliction?" "I command you to bring Abinadi forth that I may slay him for what he saith." As you can see Abinadi chose the right and bore his testimony unto King Noah even though he knew he was going to be killed, because he wants to obey Heavenly Father and choose the right, He also wants to be blessed by choosing the right. It is not always easy but we still want to choose the right because it makes Heavenly Father and Jesus very happy. In Alma 9:13, it says "insomuch as ye keeps my commandments ye shall prosper in the land and again it is said insomuch that ye shall not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off of the presence of the Lord" Like the scripture said, if you don't choose the right you won't be blessed and you will not be able to live with them again. Here is another story about Jonah the prophet who messed up and disobeyed Heavenly Father. One day Jonah was called bye God to go to Nineveh to preach unto the people and make them repent but he did not want to go. So he fled on to a boat, but then God sent wind and the boat sunk and Jonah was thrown over board into the sea where he was swallowed by a huge fish. Jonah was in his stomach for three nights and three days. Soon Jonah repented and he was spit out from the big fish and he went Nineveh and preached unto the people. When Jonah disobeyed God he was not blessed with the safety on the boat and he was thrown over board. If we don't choose the right, we won't be blessed. But it is ok because we can always repent and Heavenly father and Jesus will always forgive us. I know that we should choose the right for a reason and I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to choose the right and repent and live with them again I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen
Alta, this is really an inspiring blog post and talk. You guys are really lucky to be having such an adventure!
ReplyDeleteAlta, that is a great talk. Well done. GP Pope