the day I got student council
At school our family is doing good and doing our best. One day, I got.... student council !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The day we were voting the girls went first. There was 7 girls who threw their names in,. The winner is....... Lois!!! Now for the boys there were 4 boys including me who were running there. I was a little nervous but the winner is ..... me!!!!!! There were 17 girls and 13 voted for me, so it made me wonder, why me? why did almost everybody vote for me? So during lunch I asked a girl who voted for me, and she said, "because I like you" then I said "oh.. well bye" and I asked all the girls that voted for me and they all said "I like you."
Then I realized, what do you do in student council? nobody told me! My teacher said, "you'll see, you'll see." I haven't seen yet. All I know is that its going to be freaking awesome. I think I'll do good and make everybody happy by doing it, and Lois will do really good too.
You truly are awesome. Thanks for reminding me how great a person you are.