Monday, January 27, 2014

I Went on a Mini Mission

By Porter Fairbourne

So in Kenya there aren't very many missionaries because it really hard to get a work permit,
so there is hardly any missionaries. So the missionaries from our church announced that they will allow anybody that has the Aaronic Priesthood can go and a missionary split.  So me and my dad went the next week. We visited people in our church and gave a message and answered their questions.  It was a great experience and I cant wait to go again so I can put my awesome missionary skills to action.
 The people we visited were really poor most of them had no electricity and had only one room that was filled with beds. This one family that we tried to visit first,  their dad wasn't  there.  The only people there were the two little girls their mom died some time back. Another family had big holes in there roof and rain would come in. But all of them have a love for God.

1 comment:

  1. They might have to lower the age for serving a mission to 12 yrs old
